Thursday, March 7, 2013

Welcome to SIZZLE MA!

Howdy y'all! Greetings from the heart of Texas!
I'm Sarah, but you can call me Sarsy.

Who am I?
No one really. I'm a 25 year old stay at home mother. My husband's name is Aldo, we've been together for over 6 years, and he works full time so that I may stay home with our son. Ellis Fry was born February 9, 2012. He is our first (and currently only) child. Our little family is very tight knit, and we're most certainly homebodies. 

Parenthood has been a unique and amazing journey thus far. It has brought out things in me that I never guessed were there. Patience especially. I, like any reasonable parent, want to give my boy the best this world has to offer. I have extremely high expectations of myself as a mother. That said, brings me to my point...

Why am I here?
Well, on my quest to provide my boy the best start in life began in his tummy. I chose to exclusively breastfeed for the first 6 months of his life. He maybe had one can of formula total during this chunk of his life, mostly against my will but for the sake of me getting a pinch of shuteye. The day he turned 6 months old, I added another job title to my Mommy resume: Master Chef!

I have not once bought baby food for Fry.

Everything that he eats, comes straight from my kitchen. Why? Because I know exactly what he's eating. If he has any reactions to a new food, there's zero guessing about what isn't agreeing with him. No preservatives. No fillers. No artificial this or that. No unnecessary salt or sugar. I know it's fresh. I know it's healthy. I know it's jam packed with vitamins and nutrients essential to his rapid development. 

The bonus? Fry has an amazing appetite and quite the varied palate for a kid his age!

And that, my friends, is why I have created SIZZLE MA.

I want to document my journey in baby/toddler food making for a few reasons. One is so that when I'm feeling less than inspired to cook, I can reference my own meal ideas to remind myself how easy it can be. So that when the next kiddo comes along, I'll have motivation to provide the same awesome start in life as Fry got. To use as a food journal since Fry is still trying new things. But more than anything... I want to encourage other parents to try making your own baby food! I want you to see that it's not as difficult or time consuming as you might think. I want you to be daring and adventurous with your child! Let's get away from the oh so bland palate set out for American children these days and spice things up!!!

So Mama.. Daddy.. LET'S GET COOKING!


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