Thursday, March 7, 2013

Let's Meet Our Contender: FRY

More importantly than going more into depth about who I am, allow me to introduce to you Ellis Fry!

Yes, that is his legal name. He was born February 9, 2012 putting him just above the one year mark today. My baby isn't my baby anymore, but a wild little toddler! (Which means I'll have to do some backtracking to document his baby food mish-mush days, but we'll get into that another time.) He has been walking for months now, and jibber jabbers on all day long. His current interests include Mama & Dada, reading (not that he can read, of course, but he loves his books!), being outdoors, and watching Yo Gabba Gabba and Finding Nemo.

My little amazers is nothing short of... well... amazing! I'm so full of love for this beautiful little boy. He is my motivation to be the best person I can be so that hopefully he can always look up to me and be proud to call me Mom. It's this overwhelming love that sparked the desire to never buy a single jar of baby food. I mean, I wouldn't eat that crap, so why should I expect him to?

His current safe food list is as follows:

Apple, banana, mango, cantaloupe, honeydew, watermelon, pear, plum, blueberry, peach, cucumber, tomato, avocado, zucchini, yellow squash, peas, carrot, potato, sweet potato, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, turnip, onion, beans, rice, oatmeal, cheerio's, pasta, bread, waffles, crackers, cheese, greek yogurt, hamburger/steak, chicken, turkey, ham, tilapia, salmon, sausage, cranberry juice, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, garlic, paprika, chili, and less importantly chocolate and birthday cake.

(Pretty sure I got just about everything there, unless Dada or the grandparents have been sneaking him things.)

He eats most anything without a fuss. When he does put up a fight, usually if I can sneak in one bite he'll realize, "Oh yeeeah! I like this!" and devour his meal. Lately, I've been having more troubles getting him to eat his mish-mush (that's what we call his pureed food). He's enjoying his growing independence and prefers to feed himself. In the same breath though, he has a habit of shoving WAY too much food in his mouth at one time, so I still have to chop things up pretty itty bitty and am a bit insistent on just a little mish-mush each day.

And that's my Gubba Bubba! (You'll come to find this poor child has about 10,000 nicknames. Lucky for you though, I've only got one child, so he's always the one I'll be talking about!)

Currently, he's eating a wider variety of foods than his 6 and 4 year old cousins. That's something I feel good about. I'm determined to keep my little awesome eater and not have a McKiddo that only wants chicken nuggets, pizza, french fries, and ketchup. No no no. Not in this household!

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