Friday, March 15, 2013

The Finest of Finger Foods

Oh finger foods, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways….

Finger foods sure are wonderful. They're quick and easy. They encourage your tot to work on that pincer grip, fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, the art of chewing, and how to simply enjoy mealtime.

Most days, lunch is 100% hands on for Fry. It gives him that lovely feeling of independence and "I can do it!" that toddlers thrive on, and it gives me a chance to catch up on chores around the apartment. The nice thing about this age, is that it doesn't have to make sense either.

Today's finger food lunch, for example, is a bowl full of: peeled green apple, raw zucchini, peas, matchstick carrots, cooked tomato, cheddar cheese, ham, turkey, and white bread.

Is this my ideal lunch? Goodness, no! (I'm a bit compulsive, so the thought of all these things mingling and touching is kind of repulsive to me.) But that doesn't mean it's not great for Fry! It's just a pile of things he likes with a whole array of different flavors, textures, and colors that is as filling as it is healthy.

To add to the fun, every now and then I'll serve him his nibblies in a few different sized and shaped containers. It gives him the opportunity to play with his food in a mommy-approved fashion. Be prepared for a super messy floor though!

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