Monday, March 11, 2013

Toddler "Sushi Rolls"

Lunchtime is looming. The kiddos are already rolling their eyes at the thought of another sammich. What's a parent to do? Try this fun alternative! Toddler "Sushi Rolls" are easily customized to your child's particular tastes, and are really quick and easy to make.

Here's what you need:
Veggies (optional)

Today, we're using turkey and ham with colby-jack cheese, cooked matchstick carrots, and pureed yellow squash and zucchini.

Simply lay out a slice of lunchmeat and add some shredded/grated cheese and your veggies (if any).

Now roll it all up!

Heat in the microwave for a few seconds to melt the cheese and warm everything up.

Slice, serve, and you're all done!

I served this up with some cucumber cubes and some whole grain white bread on the side. Now, baby boy loooves him some cheese. I was really expecting this to be a big hit. The verdict? FAIL. Fry used to adore his zucchini and yellow squash, but for some reason he hasn't been taking to it. I'll be damned if I'm gonna let this last batch of it go to waste though! I keep trying to sneak it into other meals, this being one of them. Sometimes it works, this time it didn't. Darn! Normally though, this meal clears plates.

"Nice try, Mom. I keep telling you I'm not eating that green mush crap though."

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