Thursday, September 26, 2013

About My Disappearance...

Hello all! Welcome to another "Sorry I've been gone!" post. Honestly, I've just lost track of this poor blog before it even began. But hey, that's life as a new mother, right?

Speaking of which, my absence can partially be blamed on my latest personal news:
We're PREGNANT! :D <3

Yes, round two is on his way! We found out just this Tuesday that we will be having a boy. He is set to arrive on February 7th, 2014 (only two days before Fryster's 2nd birthday), putting me at my halfway point of 20 weeks along. Wow!

So I will try my best to maintain this with some sort of frequency, but no promises. I'm in nesting mode already. Not to mention some big steps happening with big brother (moving out of Mama and Dada's room and into his big boy bed, as well as potty training) to steal away my time and energy. And did I mention I brilliantly broke my camera a couple months ago? Yeah, dropped it off the counter. It may be fixable, but that's still a work in progress. I have a number of meal ideas/recipes already photographed from before the incident, so you may not notice any difference for a while, but eventually you'll be stuck with the terrible quality of my tablet's "camera". More apologies for that.

Stick around though! First food post to come will be a lovely seasonal twist on french toast! YUM.